Welcome to The Labyrinth.
You are visiting the resurrected Labyrinth. The first incarnation died when it received nearly 250k hits after being Cool Site of the Day. My network administrator and webmaster weren't happy. So, if you are the propriet
er of a 'cool' site list, please do *not* add The Labyrinth to your list. Bookmark it, enjoy it, tell your friends, but please do not publish the link anywhere on the World Wide Web. Thank you.
You descend with only a small torch
to help guide your way, but you will quickly learn that a mere torch does
not illuminate all of the mysteries of The Labyrinth. It only casts light a few feet
ahead of you - beyond which is a murky unknown.
But the Labyrinth in not empty. Nor is it a straightforward collection of walls and passageways. The Minotaur patrols these halls, hunting every evening for the foolish 'Net surfer who will become his next meal.
Further, the Labyrinth's passageways are not always predictable; a vortex may open near you, spin you around and deposit you somewhere else in the Labyrinth; it may be near the exit -- it may be near the Minotaur.
You enter the Labyrinth at a different spot everytime, so do not expect to gain familiarity with it quickly.
For a the newest maze (very large), enter below.
Last week's: A smaller, tricky Labyrinth.
An easier Labyrinth.
For beginners: an embarrassingly easy Labyrinth
The Labyrinth is:
Cool Site of the Day for SpunDay, AweGust 20. Thanks, Glenn.
Barbara's Best Bookmark of the Day for Saturday, August 26. Thanks, Barbara.
A Best View from Heavin's Haven. Thanks, Mike.
Another fine maze by the wizards at new3: [Labyrinth]
For those who wonder if I do anything else - NO, i did not create the Labyrinth by hand. I wrote a program to generate the html-maze automatically given
an input (ascii) maze. Check in periodically, because it will change.
(c) Daniel Whiteson, 1995. All images, views, logos, source code and html output with the exception of the Minotaur portrait are property of Daniel Whiteson.